It is that time of the week again.
The time where I confess all those things I did NOT do.
Thank goodness, right?
Because some of these confessions could be rather embarrassing.
I did NOT become the mother of a teenager this weekend.
Nope, not me.
My firstborn is NOT thirteen.
That would not be possible.
I did not cry or feel old at any moment.
Not one.
We did not throw him a party with lots of surprises.
(more details in another post)
And one of those surprises most certainly did not involve a limo.
He did not have the time of his life.
He is still not too old to hug or kiss.
By his mother of course.
I am not still pilfering through his baby books and pictures wondering where the time went.
I do not want to freeze him at the age he is right now.
I do not adore him and thank God every day he is mine.
What about you?
What haven't you done this week?
Care to share?
Join up over at MckMama's place.
Happy Belated Birthday to the new teenager!!
(It wouldn't be belated if the mother of said teenager would share this important info with people.)
Hope it was GREAT!!
13?? Wowza! You can blaze the trail for me and then I will ask you for advice, etc. K? Happy Birthday to your dude! : )
A limo!?! Hot damn, all I got at 13 was an alarm clock... or a $500 Guess jacket, I don't remember.
13 already? Wow!
Sounds like a great time!
I am right there with ya!! I dont know why but 14 was harder for me than 13....I'll hold your hand!!
Awww, Happy Birthday to Chase!!! Can't wait to read the surprise post.
Hope you are doing well and are getting some Spring weather.
I did not just pray for you because you have a teenager! ;)
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