Monday, January 25, 2010

Not Me! Monday



Welcome one and all to my weekly edition of Not Me! Monday.

A place where I can confess all the things I have not done this week.

Won’t you join me?

I am not home again with two of my children today.

Nope not me.

The school would never schedule a teachers workday one week after a holiday.

Can you imagine?

And they certainly wouldn’t schedule a workday two days in. a. row.

I did not have a moment of complete insanity.

And it did not have anything to do with letting my five year old have his very first sleep over last night.

Definitely not.

I did not live to tell about it.

It did not go surprisingly well.

I did not walk in on a conversation between the two five year olds and think they were discussing child labor laws.


I did not discover upon further investigation that in fact they were discussing how Batman lasers bad guys on the Wii
Same thing…right?

My dear blog friend Krystyn did not bring to my attention that my email had somehow been disabled.

She is not thoughtful.

Try as I might, I could not get it to work.

I did not then ask Krystyn how to fix the problem.

She did not refer me to this post.

Laughter did not ensue.

The post was not one I had written myself explaining how to do the very thing that was perplexing me.

I do not feel silly.

Now is your turn.

What haven’t you done this week?


duchess said...

I did not enjoy your post one little bit.;) I'm also not enjoying my weekly fix of trash tv by watching The Bachelor as I type this.

Laura Marchant said...

Oh no, lol (about the email thing). I blame my mind going on my kids. They have to be the cause of it, lol!

Unknown said...

Okay the thing about the email is hilarious! I take it you got it fixed, right? he he.

Kristen said...

That is so funny about your email!! There have been many times when I wanted to respond to you, but it said no reply comment blogger!!!! Thank goodness we got that all straightened out!!

And the sleep over? Brave brave mama! Glad it went well though! :)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Wow...a sleep over? You brave momma!

And, so glad you got the email fixed:)

Anaheim Boot Camp said...

Your all the provided information is too valid and base on the reality. Keep continue to share such type of the information.