Thursday, June 26, 2008


Over the last few months, I have received several blog awards.

You may have seen them on my sidebar.

I haven't mentioned them.

I haven't shared them.

I have been an award hoarder.


I have been waiting for just the right time to present these most coveted awards.

I have also been trying to decide who to share them with.

You are all so deserving.

I have made my final decision so without further ado, here they are. (in no particular order)

First, I received this award from Kristen, at Loving Our Simple Life.

I love Kristen and her simple life.

We have so much in common.

How I wish we lived in the same neighborhood .

Or even the same state.

We could share recipes and books and a glass of cold lemonade.

She is the best mama to her two beautiful children.

She makes me want to start over again.


Thanks Kristen!

I would like to pass this award on to the following girls.

I just learned her name.

I have been calling her MFD for so long.

Anyone that posts daily about everything from creative dating, to baby products, to delicious recipes, to how to sew baby shoes ROCKS in my book.

Duchess currently resides in NC.

We have a lot in common.

I have enjoyed reading about her family and getting to know more about her.

I even discovered she knows an old boyfriend of mine.

Small world.

She is trying to tackle the life of a SAHM, and sell her home while her hubby is living in another state. Ugh...the life of a single parent is no fun.

Even if it is temporary.

Don't you think she ROCKS?

Me too.

When Grammy first commented on my blog I was a little taken back.

I didn't know Grammy's blogged.

She does.

And she does it well.

She has a wonderful sense of humor.

She is a mother, a grandmother, and a retired high school Home Economics Teacher.

Any woman who can raise beautiful children, put up with High School kids, take time to spend with each grandchild, cook, sew, blog, and find time to comment on my silly little posts...Rocks for sure!!!

She is just hilarious!

They don't come much funnier.

She writes these short, concise little posts that will leave you wanting more.

She is a mommy to a four year old with a huge personality, works a couple of jobs, and finds time to blog.

This woman rocks!

I know Leah in real life.

She is an amazing mother, wife, and daughter.

She has three of the most adorable boys.

Yesterday she wrote that she asked her boys to linger longer at the lunch table so they could "chat".

They are all under the age of 6.

Isn't she the best mama?

She is also a great friend.

She comments a lot on my fluff and makes me feel like a star.

She rocks!

The next award was also given to me by the lovely Kristen, at Loving Our Simple Life.

I was so honored.

She loves *my* little blog to pieces.

I blush.

I love hers too.

i would like to present this award to the following girls.

she is an amazing mommy to beans.

she makes me wish i had a blog or kept a journal when my kiddos were younger.

i love her style.

i am writing this in all lower case letters because she would like it that way.

i started reading her because kristen said to.

i am so glad i listened.

i love her blog to pieces!

She is a fabulous mommy to one little princess.

She has a unique writing style.

She is juggling being a wife and mother with several jobs.

One of them being a writer.

She. is. good.

One day I want to visit Stephanie in Texas and go swimming in her breath-taking pool.

I love her blog to pieces!

Jamie is my California friend.

She is a mommy to twins. (nuff said)

Her little boy is named Chase.

I love that name. *wink*

She always has the nicest comments.

She makes me laugh.

She takes amazing photos.

I love her blog to pieces!

She is a former NC girl.

She is a mom to a precious little boy.

I first met her at McMommy's 30Th birthday bash.

She had the hawtest shoes.

I have been a reader ever since.

She. is. hysterical.

I love reading her stories.

Whether they are about her little boy, her sleep disorder, or the way she wants to be buried.

She is one funny chick.

I love her blog to pieces!

I know she already has this award.

I didn't have one she didn't have. Miss Popular.

I had to give her an award.

She is my BFF after all.

What can I say about this hilarious, creative, mother of two that cracks me up every. single. day.

There are no words.

I just want her to know that I love her blog to pieces!!!

Speaking of McMommy.

I got her BFF award.

Me and McMommy.

We are like this. *Picture my fingers held up tightly together.
Thanks McMommy!

This really is one of my favorite awards.


Because she is one of my favorite bloggers.

I wasn't even sure I could share this one.

McMommy said I could.

So I shall.

I will give my BFF award to Kristen at Loving Our Simple Life.

She already has this award too.

She already has a few BFF's.

She needs one more.


Though we have never "met" in real life, I feel like I have known her forever.

I love checking in on her simple little life.

I get all excited when my reader shows she has a new post.

I have even chatted with her online.

That was exciting.

Not as exciting as yesterday.

When my phone rang and guess who was on the other end?


It was the best.

Yes, she is just as sweet as she seems on her blog.


I am still pinching myself.

We share a love for the beach, and our families.

We both have labs.

We love Nicholas Sparks books and are a tad bit obsessive compulsive about cleaning and organizing.

A tad.

We love Vera Bradley bags too.

We both married our High School Sweetheart.

We married guys whose names are one syllable and begin with the letter "C".

Chad and Chet.

If she would just add one more boy to her family our families would mirror one another.

Get busy already!

Seriously, friends don't come any more "real" than Kristen.

She keeps it simple.

She is the best.

I can now call her my BFF!!!

Finally, I got this award from Jamie at Choosing Our Own.

I will take my cue from Jamie and share this award with all of you.

You, my blog friends.

If you have commented on my last few posts or if I have commented on yours...take it.

Enjoy it.

Share it.

That concludes this addition of Wendi's Blog Awards.

Congratulations to all the winners!!!


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Whew! That's a lot of awards. Congrats, Wendi..and congrats to the winners.

leah said...

holy red cheeks batman!
wendi - you've made my day, girl. i was thinking in the shower this morning - about death again, as i do. LOL! and i was thinking about if i had to chance to pick what was said of me when i'm gone, it would be that i was a good mama & friend, and that i made others feel like rock stars.

you. ARE. a rock star.

so there!

p.s. i love you blog to pieces too!!!!!

duchess said...

Well, bust my buttons!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

It's always fun to receive awards.
You know I think your blog totally rocks too.

I'll have to come up with a good time to have my little ceremony & spread the love.

Melissa said...

oh sooooo close on the name. It is Melissa, not Michelle. Michelle is my sister, from BUt... I get that a lot. Even our mom calls me Michelle half the time :) thanks so the blogging love!!! Yeaaaaaa

amanda said...

uhm seriously that is the sweetest blog award post EVER!!

thank you, thank you for my bling!! and i love your blog to pieces times a million :)

and the lowercase letter tribute - really you shouldn't have. i am sure it wasn't easy to not push the shift button, but maybe it was a little freeing?

congrats to all the well deserving winners. and of course congrats to you friend for scoring them in the first place.

thanks again buddy and happy weekend!!

Wendi said...

Oh Melissa I am soooo sorry!
I knew I was bound to make a mistake or two.
I have corrected it.
Take your award and some flowers.
Have a great weekend!!!

Mom said...

Wow look at all that blog bling you had!!! Well deserved too I might add congrats to you and your awardees

Kristen said...


You have made my day!! Although talking to you yesterday was just as awesome as I thought it would be. Your voice-I LOVE! How you treat your kids~ BEYOND AMAZING!!!

You are one phenomenal Mama (as evidenced by all the bling). And now, I am happy to say, that I think you are one phenomenal friend!

Looking forward to many more chats online and on the phone. And hey, maybe my love for beaches will take me to Myrtle Beach in the near future!

Love ya girl! :)

Your new BFF!

Lauren in GA said...

*Speech Ladies, Speech!!!!*

just jamie said...

Oh man, that is soooo cool. I was having one of those days, no really, one of those GOOD days, and then it just got better. Thank you so, so much and I love you to pieces too. Uh-huh. Now, I need to pop over to meet some of those others you mentioned. Fun!

just jamie said...

Oh yeah, and then I got all selfish and stuff and forgot to congratulate YOU on your much deserved awards! Kudos to you my friend.

Grammy Staffy said...

Dear Wendi,
WOOPEE!!!You have made my day!!! I just LOVE YOUR BLOG and it tickles me to death that you like mine. I also look forward to dropping by some of the other blogs that you honored today.

I have been slow on passing on blog love to others. I must do that soon. It is on my "to do" list.

Do you live in Myrtle beach? Two of my kids, Erin and David, are meeting there next week on vacation.

Thanks again for the award. I'm sending you (((hugs)))

Kellan said...

Congratulations, Wendi, on all the great awards!

Have a great weekend - Kellan

Melissa said...

Seriously, don't worry about the name switch up! People seriously do it allllll the time. What is funny is that Michelle and I even get mistaken

McMommy said...

It has been a whirlwind of an awards show weekend....I mean, Friday you bestowed such a sweet award on me....and to celebrate, we popped the champagne and danced until our party shoes hurt. I slept all day on Saturday, with my award tucked next to me in my bed. This morning, I am taking my award out to a delicious Sunday breakfast with me.

Yes, I am THAT excited about it!

YOU.MAKE.ME.SMILE!!!!!! I am so lucky and honored to have YOU as my friend!

Thank you SO much and congrats to ALL the winners!!!

Laski said...

Congratulations!!! Isn't it nice to have so many awesome buddies out here in blog land? I swear, they are the greatest.

You are totally deserving of each and every one AND, you have fabulous taste in blogs!!!

Unknown said...

I am horrible with passing on blogging awards. You are proof that it is better late than never!

Stephanie said...

I love your blog to pieces too! *Hugs* Thank you so much for the beautiful award. You are definitely one of my favorites ;)

pb&j in a bowl said...

Thanks!! You deserve every award you've been given! Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the awards and all the wonderful bloggy friends to pass them on to. What a wonderful community we have!

Anonymous said...

Gosh durn it took me so long to see this!! I use my Yahoo account so I hardly ever check gmail and I totally missed this...

I am so excited! You're just too sweet, really. THANK YOU THANK YOU!! We are fellow NC girls, so I know maybe I had an advantage over some of the others, but I'll take it!! :)

You're the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am catching up on your blog now. How awfully behind I am this week...