Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It’s my Anniversary!!!

I can’t believe it! It seems like yesterday! Where does the time go?

I really am happy! I am more in love today than I was the first day!

I feel complete.

I bought a new dress for the occasion.

I booked a table at my favorite restaurant.

I plan to go shopping for a gift later. (I know I am a little late!)

Now, I am thinking maybe that is not appropriate.

Something more laid back would be nicer.

I could …

Send the kids off.

Put on some soft music.

Turn the lights down low.

Put on my favorite lounging pants and a tee-shirt.

Pop some popcorn.

Pour myself a tall glass of Crystal Light. (I know, I know I am a heavy drinker)

And fall in love all over again in front of the computer.


It’s my 1 month “Blogging” Anniversary….what did you think?

Can you believe it? 1 Month ago, “Because I Said So...” did not exist.

I had friends that had blogs. They inspired me. I wanted to be a blogger too.

January 12, 2008 I did it.

My very first post, “I am Blogger- Hear Me Roar!” was written.

I received 9 comments. (I was so excited!)

Since then, I have written 11 posts.

I have received 51 comments.

My web hit counter just flipped to 840.

I am totally addicted!

I am truly in love!

Happy Anniversary Blog!

*I have moved to a new URL address. Please take note!


Brittany said...

I am sitting here thinking I know its not JUNE what is she talking about? Then I am thinking of all your childrens b-days and yours and well lets just say "you got me!". Happy 1 month Blog anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Girl, you so got me earlier when you said it was your anniversary! I knew I had it written down, but you got me and hours later I'm just now reading this... :-)
Happy Anniversary!! I look forward to reading lots and lots and lots more of your witty fun stuff!!!!!

OHmommy said...

You TEASE!!!

Congrats, Wendi. My first 3 months of post had ZERO comments. LOL. You are one great read. I just moved my blog today to www.classychaos.com I am my own dot com now. :)

Wendi said...

Uh, Happy Anniversary?? =)

OHmommy said...

ok, just added you to my blog roll

Cecily R said...

Happy Bloggiversary!! You had me going for a minute...or two. :)

Susan Hancock said...

It's just FABULOUS! I like to think this is a much better way to keep a journal than actually having to find a pen and paper to write! Ooohhh- no I don't want to be struck by lightning, but it is a great way to record significant events... frozen snakes, stuffed fish... you know!

See you later, little mama.