Monday, December 15, 2008

Not Me! Monday

Well, it's that time of the week again.

The time where I share with you all the things I certainly have NOT done.

Please bear with me as there was a lot of NOT doing this week!

I have Not been a slacker blogger.

I have definitely Not failed to visit even one blog last week.

And I most certainly did Not run out of time in my day to write even one post.

Pathetic I know.

I am not dying to know how you all are.

I am not wringing my hands and tapping my foot with eager anticipation of "catching up" with you all.

Excitement is not written all over my face.

I have not set aside my evening of party planning, baking, and card writing to read blogs.

Nope, not me!

I am not enjoying this busy season.

I am not enjoying the lights.

And the music.

And the spirit of it all.

I most assuredly am not enjoying the shopping.

Not. one. bit.

I have not witnessed my Christmas tree fall to the floor.

And I definitely did not see that happen twice.

I have not had to replace various strands of lights.

I have also not had to rearrange ornaments when they all mysteriously moved to the eye level of one four-year-old.

I have not waited until 10 days before Christmas to decide on my Christmas cards.

Who would do such a thing?

Certainly, not her.

She dreamed of hers this summer.

And it is fabulous.

I did not think of mine in the shower this morning.

And it really is NOT fabulous.

I have Not forgotten about our dear Elfie this week.

He has never moved five minutes before the kids got up.

And he never appeared in a different location two hours after they awoke.

Because the kids would have figured that out.

And I would be "caught"!

What about you?

What have you NOT done this week?

Join me for Not Me! Monday and share.


The Reeds said...

I did not enjoy this post at all and I surely did not laugh out loud when I read that your tree had fallen twice.

Anyways, hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!!

amanda said...

i have NOT missed you :)

tee hee

happy monday friend!

Patrice said...

lol wow you did have a lot of things you did not do! I was (not) a slacker blogger last week either, but I still visited blogs I just didn't pay attention to my own!
Funny post!

Brittany said...

I am NOT surprised that you have become a slacker blogger and I have NOT missed reading your very funny posts. I am NOT looking forward to the day you return fully recharged to the blogging world!!

As you can tell I do NOT miss you!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

You definitely have not been missed. I have not been wondering where you were.

Stop being a slacker already, would you. I mean really, you were not busy at all!

duchess said...

Surely my Christmas cards are NOT STILL sitting on my desk waiting to be addressed. Nope - not me.

Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

i seriously do not love not me mondays...

i am not going to participate next monday

i have not wanted to participate the last month and have not, because i have not forgotten until i read your post every monday.

nope not me..

Jules from "The Roost" said...

This post always makes me laugh! ;)

Unknown said...

I did NOT wait too late to do my Cmas cards either. Nope, not me...

Unknown said...

i think you are very clever! yes yes you are :)