I can't believe it is Monday again.
And I have once again been absent from Blogville.
My apologies to all my loyal readers.
I promise to resume my regular ramblings postings soon.
Because it is Monday...that can only mean one thing... Not Me! Monday.
Shall we get started?
I did not cook and bake way too much last week.
I did not taste one morsel of any of it.
Because that would just be irresponsible.
And put inches on my waistline.
So I certainly did not partake.
I did not shop entirely too much.
I did not go a little overboard on the shopping this year.
Especially considering the economy and our job stability.
I did not tell my husband that I was just trying to help stimulate the economy as a way to justify my spending.
And I most definitely did not use that line more than once.
I was not up until 3am wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve.
And I did not beg grovel trick ask my brother, who has no children, to help.
He did not witness my OCD issues at their finest.
I did not tell him how to wrap or that "Santa" presents must be wrapped in "Santa" paper.
He did not laugh or make fun of me once.
My husband did not try to put three gifts in one box to be lazy cut down on the wrapping.
And I did not throw a fit, pout and re wrap.
Because opening three gifts is better than one....right?
My 12-year-old did not hear his father and his friend delivering his ping-pong table at 11pm.
And he would never peek out the window to make sure.
And he would certainly never, ever, wake up his sister to tell her what he saw.
Because that would be mean.
And older brotherish.
And spoil Christmas for her.
And me.
Thank goodness that did not happen.
My parents were sick and could not make it a few days early to help with controlling my stress restricting my food consumption cooking, baking, shopping, watching the children.
I was saddened by their absence.
Thank goodness I did not need any help or extra hands.
I always have it together.*ahem*
Moving right along.
I was not the slightest bit disappointed that it took 3.5 seconds for all the presents to be unwrapped Christmas morning.
Considering it took me 5.3 hours to wrap them.
Nope, not me.
I enjoyed it.
And the smiles on their faces let me know that all the stress and chaos of the season was worth it.
So, what haven't you done this week?
Why don't you join us at MckMama's and tell us all about it?
You will be glad you did!
I really do hope that each of you had a wonderful Christmas.
I hope that you were able to enjoy it with the ones you love.
I hope you ate, and laughed, and hugged.
A lot.
I hope it was Merry!!!
hahahaha I didnt do Not Me Monday this week. I couldnt. I was afraid I would depress everyone back to bed!
Sounds like you had a good christmas!! And ping pong?? I havent played in so long! I bet the kids are having SO much fun!!
It's always bittersweet all the prep that goes into xmas to have it pass so very quickly!!
I did NOT eat a lot either. We're so good! ; )
It is kinda sad how long we spend wrapping vs. how long it takes for them to unwrap. So not fair.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year girl!
ha ha tell the hubby nice wrapping idea! hahah
Totally missed Monday this week!
Glad they helped with the presents...hopefully, you were able to let go a little bit with the wrapping!
I always love these posts! So glad you had a good Christmas! We love you!
Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas. That's too funny about the ping pong table. I bet he was excited about that. I'm sure that you guys have NOT been playing ping pong every day since. haha :)
you crack me up!
thanks for that!!
I miss your blog posts. They are always so witty and entertaining...as this one has just proven!
Come back to the blog world soon!!!!
I also did not eat too much or stay up too late wrapping presents.
I have missed talking to you! Glad to know that you had a Merry Christmas. I hope you will have a very Happy New Year as well.
Funny! I'm OCD about wrapping too, but not about anything else...I wish I was OCD about cleaning the house. Happy New Year!!
I hear ya!
Hope you have a Happy New Year
happy new year!
OMG I wrapped all the Santa presents in special sparkly paper, then the next day my 8 year old comes in and goes "mom, can you get me down that sparkly paper from the top shelf of the closet so i can wrap something?
Just shoot me now.
Ah, rats...I wish I had thought to tell my husband that I was simply stimulating the economy, like you did...er, I mean like you didn't.
Thank Heavens that your son didn't see the ping pong table and didn't tell his sister.
Last year, my kids, "didn't" see us assembling the basketball stand and hoop. It said, "Adult Only Assembly"...we should have picked a different model because we were like two idiots. The didn't have an, "Idiots Assembly Only" hoop and stand, though. I think that is where we went wrong.
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